
Sunday 3 December 2017

Hes Toolkit

I was managing myself in Writing

On the tire swing I let other

We use precise language

I challenge ideas and assumptions

Connect to the people, Example, you’re friends

Tuesday 21 November 2017

The 3 Little Dinosaurs

Once upon a time there were three little dinosaurs.
One dinosaur built a house of leaves while the second dinosaur built his house out of meat

They built their houses very quickly and then jumped and stomped all day because they were lazy.
The third little dinosaur worked hard all day and built his house with fire because the inside was stone but the outside is fire.
A big bad T-Rex saw the two little dinosaurs while they ran and play fight and thought ,"What juicy smiley dinners they will make"

He chased the two dinosaurs and they ran and ducked in their.
The big bad T-Rex 

Tuesday 14 November 2017

A Story about Space

Q:Have they got oxygen?

A:They are in a Space Ship and there is AIR and they hit a little moon rock and they have a toilet

Q:Why do they go to Space?

A:To land on Satan's Moons and research

Q:Are they finding aliens?

A:Mabye on Satan's Moons

Q:Are they gonna live in the Space Ship?

A:No they are finding Satan's Moons

Q:Are they in a Space Ship

A:Yes To find Satan's Moons

Sunday 12 November 2017

My Tablet

For my bday i got a tablat and i was like WACK I was so greatful for the tab.
And so I went in to the house I put the tape off and I saw the tab.
It was black and long and so I turn it on and connet the wifi and played on it

Tuesday 7 November 2017


  • Oil
  • Flour
  • Bowl
  • Cup
  • Banana's

  1. Cut two bananas
  2. Add two bananas
  3. Add a cup of flour
  4. Add a cup of oil
  5. Put On The Bowl
  6. Then Put it in the Oven
  7. Then set the Oven to Ten minutes
  8. Click Start
  9. After it cooked, Let it cool down
  10. #Eat it all up

Tuesday 31 October 2017

A trick for my big brother

1 time my big brother trick us by doing the house to go to mc donlas but we dont go ;(

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Doing A Handstand

Okay time to teach you how to handstand its hard for normal people who haven't tried it yet so first your body must straight before even trying to do this and you need to have a straight navel and be focused .

if you don't have a  straight navel in the middle you might fall and not get the point of doing a handstand. So always practice your handstands before even trying. the handstand is hard just be good enough to do it or something bad will happen so beware. 

Wednesday 20 September 2017


I made a stencil. My stencil is a small fantail.

How to make a stencil, First Think of the animal you want to do.

Then draw the animal you wanted but in seperate Shapes in your book.
Then draw the animal in seperate Shapes on a Laminated sheet and then cut it out and you are done!!

Thursday 7 September 2017

Kakariki House Wonders

I wanna see some amazing art over there because I want to see the people

Did you know there was 1,000 people who worked there
Did you know i saw lots of art in Kakariki House
Did you know there was a palce at Kakariki House
Did you know there was lots of offices around the place  

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Cross Country

Reflection- I will try to get in the top 8 players l felt proud doing this and this helped me get fast

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Fire Man Saves a Kitten

I see a car on the road. The Fire Dept. was going in the House.

He found a Kitten and pick it up and went outside to the Fire Truck and got some stuff.

He put a air mask on the Kitten's mouth and cleaned it with water.

Then it said "meow" it was alive, The Fire Man hugged the Kitten and the Kitten was Saved

By Hassan :)

Wednesday 9 August 2017

If you could wake up older than you are, how old would you choose to be.

In my opinion I would choose to wake up as 30

First Reason: I would be older than my big brother

Second Reason: I can be Rich 

3rd Reason: I can have kids

4th Reason: I don't need parents

I will wake up at the age of 30 

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Wednesday 26 July 2017

my word


Hi I am Hassan, I am 9 and my school is HES (Hamilton East School) I am a fun guy but I can be crazy and too funny. My teacher is  Georgia Cox-Wright and I Love My Self (:


Made with Padlet

Thursday 8 June 2017

Monday 5 June 2017

Thursday 1 June 2017



Kei te pehea te ahua o te rangi? Kei te paki
May 9, 2017 2:00:02 PM.jpgMay 9, 2017 1:55:29 PM.jpg
i learn how to use moria
using the yellow toolkit

Wednesday 17 May 2017

How To Make Kale Chips

1. Pick fresh kale from a garden.
2. Wash the kale if it has bugs in it.
3. Put salt and pepper in the pan.
4. Heat up the kale,make it hot.
Recipe invented by Hassan

Kale Chips

For the Harvest Week we are making kale chips.
We wash the kale so no bugs are on it.
Then we cooked it to the max and we used olive oil, salt and pepper.
Then we ate it.

By Hassan

In the War

A Sad letter arrived in War it Said…

Dear Hassan

I was sad that being in war is really Scary.
The clouds are black with bang!!! And a boom!!! With lighting in the sky.
I gave you cookies to make you happy!!!! So you don't feel bad.
Being in a tremens is not fun but bye.

Hassan feel like his son is here.
The trenes had sandbags full of dirt and sand and the rat is zipping the sandbags with dirt and sand coming out

healfy lunchboxes Hassan & Tyson

I have a sandwich and a apple and a banana
Go - sandwiches are go foods. They give us energy to keep going .
Grow  - Cheese is a grow food because it helps us grow our brains / muscles/
Glow  - bananas and all fruit and vegetables are glow foods.they make glow inside and out with vitamins/ minerals.
What can be in your lunch boxes

  • Banana
  • Sandwich
  • Apple
  • Meat
  • Mango
  • Rice
  • Tuna
  • Salad