
Tuesday 21 November 2017

The 3 Little Dinosaurs

Once upon a time there were three little dinosaurs.
One dinosaur built a house of leaves while the second dinosaur built his house out of meat

They built their houses very quickly and then jumped and stomped all day because they were lazy.
The third little dinosaur worked hard all day and built his house with fire because the inside was stone but the outside is fire.
A big bad T-Rex saw the two little dinosaurs while they ran and play fight and thought ,"What juicy smiley dinners they will make"

He chased the two dinosaurs and they ran and ducked in their.
The big bad T-Rex 

Tuesday 14 November 2017

A Story about Space

Q:Have they got oxygen?

A:They are in a Space Ship and there is AIR and they hit a little moon rock and they have a toilet

Q:Why do they go to Space?

A:To land on Satan's Moons and research

Q:Are they finding aliens?

A:Mabye on Satan's Moons

Q:Are they gonna live in the Space Ship?

A:No they are finding Satan's Moons

Q:Are they in a Space Ship

A:Yes To find Satan's Moons

Sunday 12 November 2017

My Tablet

For my bday i got a tablat and i was like WACK I was so greatful for the tab.
And so I went in to the house I put the tape off and I saw the tab.
It was black and long and so I turn it on and connet the wifi and played on it

Tuesday 7 November 2017


  • Oil
  • Flour
  • Bowl
  • Cup
  • Banana's

  1. Cut two bananas
  2. Add two bananas
  3. Add a cup of flour
  4. Add a cup of oil
  5. Put On The Bowl
  6. Then Put it in the Oven
  7. Then set the Oven to Ten minutes
  8. Click Start
  9. After it cooked, Let it cool down
  10. #Eat it all up